File this one under: My British Roots are Showing

I lost my English accent about half a century ago but I'm still a True Brit at heart. My addiction to British telly is, er, telling, and currently I'm in the middle of a Scott & Bailey bingefest. To be honest there are times I can't make head nor tails of what some of the characters, usually the criminals with the heaviest Yorkshire accents, are saying either. But still, these are my peeps.

So I was thrilled to discover that BBC America has a website devoted not just to their programming but to the whole wonderful world of Brits in America. They've dubbed it Anglophenia British Culture with an American Accent which pretty much sums me up. Pretty much An American Girl lusting for London. I'm sure the site isn't new, it's just new to me. If you're feeling sad and lonely for the British Isles you can stop by to learn How to Make a Cup of Tea the British Way, or discover who's going to play Prince Phillip in the new Netflix drama The Crown, a sort of spinoff of the Helen Mirren hit play Audience. Claire Foy, Anne Boleyn in Wolf Hall will play the young queen.

Spoiler: It's Matt Smith. WHO? Yes, righty-o, Matt Smith did play Dr. Who (number 11) and he's also in the upcoming Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. 

Oh, and I'll actually be filing this under the State of Britain tab; that's where I keep all my English themed pieces. It's up there on the right. Take the lift.

Are anglophenic too? Is that even a word? Dunno. But if you wanna get your Union Jack on check out Joy Weese Moll's weekly British Isles Friday meme.


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