Bridget Jones Diary. On location in London. #BriFri

I just found British Isles Friday post which I shared over on directly from London when my hubby and I visited in May. I'm not sure what happened, whether I lost my connection or just forgot to share it with my fellow Anglophiles following Joy Weese Moll's British Isles Friday meme. I'm making up for that now, adding some additional photos from Borough Market where Bridget Jones flat was actually above the Globe Tavern.

No matter how we felt about the sequels, we all fell in love with Bridget in Helen Fielding’s Bridget Jones Diary. Most of us saw a bit of ourselves in her, whether it was the overeating, over-imbibing misfit or the plucky lost girl who refused to give up, her honesty about her own flaws and foibles helped us laugh at ourselves. Rene Zellweger with her brave British accent channeled Bridget’s flirty spirit.

Hidden under the arches of London Bridge at the Globe Tavern in Borough Market is the flat where Bridget lived. I'm not sure if this young woman was waiting for Colin Firth or Hugh Grant to show up. She may be waiting still!

The market closes its doors at night, the stalls all shuttered up tight. 
But not to worry, there are so many restaurants surrounding the market area, the joint really is jumping.

Just down the street is #5 Bedale Street, the spot where Colin Firth and Hugh Grant brawled ineffectually in the street like a couple of old women in a catfight.

Shame on me, I left my notes back at our hotel so we didn't find the location for the fight scene. I think it's just through this tunnel. Hmmm. I wonder if that's a legitimate excuse to go back to London next year?

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