Dreaming of France: Wedding Photos, Parisian-style

The day we went to see Notre Dame the line was on the longish side so I left my husband to hold our places while I snooped around a bit. He's lovely that way, letting me wander off to see if I spot anything interesting to snap.

 I found a bride and groom in a semi-quiet spot on the grounds, conferring with their photographer, his assistant holding a reflective aid (a bounce) in the background. Mid-May, the temperature in Paris was hovering in the low 60's and I wondered if the bride was cold in her frothy white strapless gown.

I watched from a discreet distance while the pair posed for the next shot, the pigeons pecking at the ground around them. She was probably too happy and excited to feel the chill. 

 A pretty picture for the photo album, especially with the way her dress sweeps off to the side but the couple seemed hesitant and I got the idea they were in transition. Something else was coming.

Suddenly they were holding hands and running right into the flock of birds, sending them fluttering into the air.

I really wish I could see the end result from the photographer's point of view. It must have been spectacular, a perfect snapshot of a couple in transition, from single life to married life, taking flight together.

May they live happily ever after.

Linking to Paulita's Dreaming of France meme.

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